KROHNE variable area flow meters provide simple, cost-effective flow measurement of liquids or gases without requiring auxiliary power. As a gas or liquid is introduced into a uniformly tapered flow tube a float rises, its weight supported by the fluid flowing underneath, until the entire volume of fluid can flow past the float. The position of the float corresponds to a point on the tube’s measurement scale and provides an indication of the fluid’s flow rate. The KROHNE family of variable areas flow meters, including the H250-RR, H250-F, H250-C, DK32, DK34, DK37, and the DK series glass cone flow meters; provides a full range of meters with sizes up to 6-inches and with optional features such as limit switches, analog outputs, and digital communications.
KROHNE H250-RR Variable Area Flow Meter
KROHNE DK32 / DK34 / DK37 Variable Area Flow Meters
KROHNE DK Series Glass Cone Flow Meters
KROHNE H250-C Variable Area Flow Meter
KROHNE H250-F Variable Area Flow Meter
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